Theft of Bee Colonies
Last week one of our members had 12 strong colonies in Langstroth hives stolen from 2 different apiaries in the Crockenhill / Well Hill area. The incident was made even uglier by the fact that 2 more hives had been taped up, but were left behind and the bees suffocated.
All the frames had month and year written in red felt tip on the top bar. All members of KBKA are asked to be alert to any possible selling on of these colonies, or unusual offers of used Langstroth hives.
We also understand from police sources that more colonies have recently been stolen from the Eynsford / Otford area, so all beekeepers in this region may need to take extra care. The hives at our 2 club apiaries are all ‘branded’ and we are encouraging our members to do the same with their own hives.